
To make New Cumberland stronger and more vibrant through action, creativity, and inclusion.

Ready to join our creative community? Start here!

What’s coming up

what we care about

what we care about

  • Building Community

    Whether it’s getting to know your neighbors or feeling like you’re a part of this place we call home, we create space to connect with the community!

  • Arts & Culture

    Whether you’re a musician, painter, or creator - or - come from a diverse cultural background, we want to amplify your story.

  • Civic Engagement

    We hope to inspire and excite in a way that makes people want to get involved in their own community.

  • Tactical Urbanism

    Tactical Urbanism is a citizen-led approach to neighborhood building using short-term, low-cost, and scalable interventions to catalyze long-term change.

Your friendly neighborhood creative community non-profit.